Workers Compensation and Employers Liability

December 06, 2021

The employees of Armstrong Coal Company [allegedly] falsified coal dust samples for the purpose of showing the company to be in violation of safety standards and potentially halt production. However, the policy excluded coverage for pollution and their legal costs weren't covered.

November 08, 2021

Following the shooting in the film production of "Rust", we examine what insurance coverage exists for film productions and how it applies.

November 01, 2021

With many workers shifting to a home-based work environment, workers compensation exposures could exist that may not otherwise be present in the employee's company workspace. Ohio is taking action to define what injuries are compensable in a work from home environment.

November 01, 2021

Workers performing demolition are rated as florists and office workers.

August 16, 2021

A surfing instructor is injured on the job, and the carrier says w/c coverage doesn't apply but the Jones Act does. What's correct?

July 21, 2021

CW: Attempted Suicide. The Wisconsin Supreme Court found that a man who was gored by a bull while working in his employer's livestock yard will not receive coverage.

June 03, 2021

According to the case brief filed, the couple had been living together since 2013 and in their minds, considered themselves to be "married" at the point when they moved in together.

February 17, 2021

The employee was injured when he slipped on a log and fell while walking his dog around a lake.

October 26, 2020

The company alleges five claims in violation of the U.S. Constitution by the California Commissioner of Insurance.