
January 04, 2011

Sinkhole Collapse and Mine Subsidence—Archived Article August, 2005 What is Encompassed by These Endorsements Summary: Loss resulting from…

December 28, 2010

12/27/2010                             An…

December 17, 2010

January 2011 Intro Page   Dec Page   The question of the month deals with workers compensation. In order to protect employees of small operations,…

December 16, 2010

January 2011 Dec Page Question of the Month   In order to protect employees of small operations, the workers compensation laws of a majority of…

December 02, 2010

December 2010 Intro Page   Dec Page   The question of the month deals with governmental action. Property coverage forms commonly contain exclusions…

December 02, 2010

December 2010 Dec Page Question of the Month   Property coverage forms commonly contain exclusions for loss caused by governmental destruction,…

November 16, 2010

Insuring Hired and Borrowed Autos November 16, 2010 Under Business Auto Coverage Form Summary: Most organizations have a need…

November 08, 2010

Insuring Nonowned Autos November 8, 2010 Introduction Summary: The business auto coverage form (BAP) can be used to insure autos owned by the…

November 02, 2010

Definitions November 2, 2010 Most D&O policy forms contain a definitions section where words and terms with special meaning are defined. When these…

November 02, 2010

Uninsured Loss November 2, 2010 In most D&O policies, the definition of loss contains a list of elements that are identified as being uninsured…