
June 24, 2008

Why Do Finite-Risk Deals Raise Eyebrows? By Diana Reitz The headlines have migrated in recent weeks from broker compensation to certain financial…

June 24, 2008

Changing Risks Require RM Vigilance By Diana Reitz One evening last week the anchor on a local news station opened with a story on how the world has…

June 24, 2008

  More on Workers Comp Financial Plans By Diana Reitz   Plans that seem attractive at the beginning of a policy term may turn into nightmares…

June 24, 2008

Leased Employees – Archived Article January, 1997 Workers Compensation and Liability Exposures Summary: A leased or borrowed employee is…

June 24, 2008

RMS Dealing with Shrinking Insurer Pool By Diana Reitz A month or so ago a risk manager friend called me with a dilemma. Her company’s loan covenants…

June 24, 2008

Employees Choose Riskier Travel Modes By Diana Reitz My boss would rather drive eight hours than fly two. He’s among the growing ranks of employees…

June 24, 2008

Workers Compensation andExclusive Remedy—Archived Article January, 1997 Erosion of the Rule Summary: Workers compensation insurance stood…

June 24, 2008

Business Interruption Insurance: Like a Complicated Picasso By Susan Massmann July 2004 Judging by the number and types of questions we receive from…

June 24, 2008

Take a Bite Out of Fraud—Archived Article November, 1999 Tips on Detecting and Combating Fraud in Workers Comp Summary: This article is…

June 24, 2008

Special Provisions - Variations by State—Archive February, 2006 Introduction The mandatory special provisions discussed herein apply to the…