Core Article Library

Contractual Interference as Cause of Damage Q My insured owns a strip shopping center. He has a ground lease with a corporation that allows them to…

Bailee's Coverage—Processing or Work upon Exclusion Q We have written a commercial laundry account for many years. In 1986 they ruined some…

Bailees Coverage for Off-Premises Goods Q Our insured owns a commercial laundry business, but has no on-premises dry cleaning service. To accommodate…

Asbestos Lawsuit and the CGL Form Q I insure an installation contractor who has been pulled into an asbestos-related lawsuit. The widow of a man who…

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Covered? Our insured had some friends in his garage for a get-together. Because it was winter, they had a space heater going.…

Are lost profits and lost sales "property damage" in a CGL policy?

Questions how the CGL would respond in event insured hires musical entertainment and invites guests.

When do home health aids become dishonest employees?

July 16, 2008

Admiralty Bonds April, 2000 A Type of Judicial Bond Summary: Courts of admiralty have jurisdiction over ocean going vessels and all shipping on…

July 16, 2008

Corralling D&O Defense Costs: A Necessary Partnership Between Carriers and Insureds August, 2006 By Dan Bailey, Esq. This material is provided by…