September 29, 2022

Summary of the emergency bulletin issued in South Carolina regarding emergency adjusters.

September 29, 2022

A summary of the emergency order and the catastrophe reporting requirements issued by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation and Commissioner Altmaier.

September 29, 2022

As FedNat Insurance Company could not complete the May 13 Consent Order to wind down its business, the insurance department filed for and received approval for liquidation of the company.

September 29, 2022

Announcement of a Connecticut Insurance Department Notice to commercial insurers and producers providing guideance on the types of commercial lines policies that can be issued with defense within limits, and the required consumer disclosures for these policies.

September 27, 2022

How the Industry Prepares for Hurricanes  Hurricanes always generate a certain dread/excitement within the insurance industry. While insureds may…

September 26, 2022

Things to consider for an agency owner when facing a disaster.

August 01, 2022

Summary:  With an effective date of 9/1/22 ISO has made available several endorsement amendments to address abuse or molestation liability exposures…

August 01, 2022

A new litigation report is a warning shot to insurers that they must increase their resources—both in-house and outside counsel—in at least two segments of the industry.

July 25, 2022

Have a client who is going to publish a cookbook. If someone were to make a recipe and then get sick from it would a CGL policy cover this as bodily injury? Wisconsin…

July 11, 2022

Describes what constructive total loss is, supported by case findings in marine, homeowners, property and automobile physical damage.