Articles relating to vehicle claims and how they are reported, trends in auto investigations, auto technology, repairs and auto technology, impact of technology on accidents, industry disruptors, auto salvage and more.
One sunny spring morning, on a rural road just outside of Houston, Texas, Molly Jackson, a vibrant 16-year-old girl with a bright future and a new driver's license, was behind the wheel.
According to results from a study conducted by the Nebraska Auto Body Association, 64 percent of respondents said they would generally feel hesitant about filing an auto insurance claim.
Describing the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia's road safety campaign as bold is like calling Mt. Everest tall. While technically it's true, it doesn't quite do the site justice.
$7,967 a year, or roughly 52.2 cents per mile. That's how much a person driving a new-model, medium-sized sedan such as a Toyota Camry 15,000 miles a year can expect to pay annually.
Automobile insurance-related issues continued to dominate legislative enactments in 2005, according to an analysis by the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies.