When we think of "technology," it's easy to think about computers, phones and other hardware/software solutions in our 21st century agencies. But an easily overlooked IT responsibility is disaster preparedness and business continuity.
Batteries--they're everywhere. These small, portable devices are the source of strength and success behind many pieces of technology we take for granted. But do batteries receive the attention they
Some call it "telecommuting." Others call it "virtual staffing." Bottom line is that more and more people are working away from the office every year. Smart Phones, laptops and other portable
"One ringy-dingy...two ringy dingy...Have I reached the party to whom I am speaking?" If you're a baby boomer, you probably recognize these words from Lily Tomlin's Ernestine
One of the challenges of living in an age of information is figuring out what to do with all that information. A walk past a bookstore reveals any number of recent arrivals promising to change everything in your
The concept of telepresence is at least 50 years old and has a long-running relationship with science fiction and television. From Issac Asimov's "The Naked Sun," published in 1956, to the
Writing a regular technology column is an interesting challenge. While there is certainly no shortage of new technology marvels to write about, the challenge is to bring a fresh perspective to technology topics