Tale from the Front LinesI received a frantic call from a user yesterday. Apparently someone had taken over her computer and was opening files, folders, ...
I am a strong proponent of decentralization. I think of centralized anythingservers, power stations, data, manufacturing facilitiesas putting all your eggs in one basket. Disaster ...
Recent events have caused the insurance industry to consider and evaluate how document assets are secured. Documents are not just pieces of paper. Documents manifest ...
The demands on new business departments are growing. Carriers are racing to exploit multiple distribution channels from call centers to the Internet, but they are ...
Youve got this ratingproblemSitting in a planning meeting for a new rating system you realize theres a problem with the system thats supposed to work ...
RATINGISO knows where you liveEnhanced database provides address-specific infoThe Insurance Services Office (www.iso.com) database keeps getting bigger. ISO now offers Location, a database of street ...
Armonk, N.Y.January 25, 2002IBM today announced plans to deliver two new dedicated Linux servers, including a first-of-its-kind Linux-only mainframe that requires no traditional mainframe operating ...
Ten years ago, we were reading articles about why insurers should migrate from mainframe to client/server architecture. Today, we still are.The arguments for migration have, ...