NU Compiles 9/11 LossesAccording to our classifications, companies classified as primary companies accounted for roughly 31 percent of the total losses, while those classified as ...
Surprise! Small Insurers ProsperNU Online News Service, Sept. 16, 4:08 p.m. EST?A consulting group said they have made the unexpected finding that small property-casualty insurers ...
PC First Half, 'Good, Bad and Ugly'NU Online News Service, Sept. 26, 10:13 a.m. EST?The U.S. property and casualty industry's net income after taxes rose ...
IBHS Hurricane-Proof HQ Building OpenNU Online News Service, September 30, 12:46 p.m. EST? The relocated Institute for Business & Home Safety has opened a new ...
Leaders possess a unique combination of qualities and skills dedication, intelligence, communication and adaptability that allow them to distinguish themselves from the crowd.AQS, Inc., a ...
Indiana Lumbermens Mutual (ILM, at, founded by a group of Indiana retail lumber dealers, issued its first policies on March 28, 1897. For over ...
J. Stephen Beckman came out of retirement to take over as interim CEO of Security American Financial Enterprises, following the resignation of president and chief ...