Although only advisory, insurers typically stay in line with the commissioner's recommendations. The most recent decrease, Mr. Garamendi noted, would bring the total decrease in costs for businesses t
Legislation to ease the burden of Sarbanes-Oxley requirements on small businesses was introduced in the House earlier this month, drawing praise from the Property Casualty Insurers Association of
LAS VEGAS--Information technology managers are playing a higher-profile role in meeting regulators' calls for more insurance company data, said a panel of industry experts here at the ACORD LOMA Insura
BETHESDA, MD--Insurance agencies contemplating an acquisition should determine in advance the potential of the proposed addition and whether the target fills gaps in their company, a merger expert advi
Tadashi Kodama, chairman of the General Insurance Association of Japan, said he "welcomes the initiative takes by Sens. John Sununu, R-N.H., and Tim Johnson, D-S.D., introducing federal regulation" la
The legislation, Senate Bill 1980, offers $250 million in loans to insurance companies to help them continue to write coverage and to take policies from Citizens Insurance, the state's insurer of last
Nearly three-quarters of medical malpractice injury claims received compensation, and a similar number of groundless claims resulted in no payments being made, according to research by the Harvard Sch
WASHINGTON--The U.S. Treasury is expected to publish in Thursday's Federal Register its final rule for implementing the changes made in last year's 11th-hour extension of the Terrorism Risk Insurance A
With Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick scheduled to testify before the House Committee on International Relations, the AIA hoped the discussion would include the topic of China's slow progress