Defense attorneys defending companies hit with a multi-district class action over asbestos exposure injuries have asked a federal court to throw out diagnoses and any testimony from several doctors wh
Despite what he claimed was an improper effort by insurers to defeat him, California Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi has won a close primary race to be the Democratic nominee for lieutenant gov
WASHINGTON--Insurance industry opponents of a proposed national trust fund for asbestos exposure victims remained largely unconvinced today that changes made by the sponsors of the legislation would as
WASHINGTON--Insurance industry opponents of a proposed national trust fund for asbestos exposure victims remained largely unconvinced today that changes made by the sponsors of the legislation would as
WASHINGTON--The National Flood Insurance Program cannot afford to continue providing coverage against floods while paying off the claims from Hurricane Katrina, according to the Congressional Budget Of
California Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi called last week for a 16.4 percent decrease in workers' compensation insurance rates, but also issued a warning to insurers against using new
Additionally, the State Fund said it will continue offering a 10 percent workplace safety credit for small employers (those paying between $1,000 and $75,000 annually for coverage) with a superior saf
Although only advisory, insurers typically stay in line with the commissioner's recommendations. The most recent decrease, Mr. Garamendi noted, would bring the total decrease in costs for businesses t