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Elana Ashanti Jefferson is ALM PropertyCasualty360's Editor in Chief. She is a veteran journalist and communications professional. Reach her by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
These honorees promote insurance careers, bolster current professionals, engage with rising stars, and further DEI and ESG work. (Part 3 of 5)
The top reasons drivers lose their heads include heavy traffic, already feeling stressed or angry, running late and feeling tired.
Claims Innovation honorees thoroughly understand the impact that a single claim has on policyholder satisfaction. (Part 2 of 5)
Leading Light: Insurance Luminaries set a high bar. Here are the Class of 2023 honorees for Technology Innovation. (Part 1 of 5)
The most popular places to rent in the U.S. tend to have a copacetic mix of amenities, jobs and schools.
Higher interest rates are translating into higher returns on insurer investments, according to the Swiss Re Institute.
WSIA's 2023 board members share lessons learned and what they love about working in E&S insurance.
This is how Florida State University Risk Management and Insurance Student Antonio White introduces wholesale insurance.
Today's transient homebuyers tend to be look for affordability, warm weather and high quality-of-life.
The country's natural catastrophe insurance pool reportedly has a limit of $275 million in excess of $25 million.