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Denny Jacob is an associate editor for NU PropertyCasualty360. Contact him at [email protected].
Primary insurers will face the largest effect from Harvey, with regionally focused carriers most vulnerable given their geographic concentrations.
insuranceQuotes and Quadrant Information Services examined the average economic impact annual miles driven has on the cost of auto insurance.
News from J.D. Power, Member Insurance Agency Inc., Venture Programs and more.
According to the 2017 RIMS Cyber Survey, organizations are buying more cyber insurance and spending more on cyber risk best practices.
Being prepared is the name of the game.
Parents may not be the pinnacle of safe driving for some teens.
According to the 2017 Hiscox Embezzlement Study, small and mid-sized businesses most likely to be victimized.
For insurance agents and brokers, more homes mean more opportunities to provide coverage.