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Denny Jacob is an associate editor for NU PropertyCasualty360. Contact him at [email protected].
News from XL Catlin, Beazley, American International Group, Inc. and more.
New divisions include Global Risk & Digital, Global Placement & Specialties and Marsh International.
'The flood didn't discriminate,' says Beathard. 'It didn't matter if you were wealthy, middle-class, poor, it didn't matter.'
News from CNA, Aon Affinity, The Property Drone Consortium and more.
News from POWERS Insurance and Risk Management, Valley Insurance Agency Alliance, Navigators and more.
While the news focuses on the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, let's not forget these major hurricanes of the past.
Certain insurers have a greater market share in Texas than others.
The auto industry is drawing closer towards autonomous vehicles, but drivers will need to practice safe driving until then.
AIRs current estimates include wind and storm-surge damage within the extent of Harveys tropical storm-force and hurricane-force wind field.