Homeowners Policy Questions Pouring In In June, some turn their thoughts to beaches, mountains, country roads, expressways across state lines, and vacations. Me, Im ...
Zoom! If you're still on the fence over the prospects for insurance sales on the Internet, consider the short, happy life of YouZoom.com.This young ...
Brokers Back Criminal Background Checks As states continue to grapple with the issue of reciprocity, one broker association is calling on regulators to consider making ...
St. Paul Unit Restructures The St. Paul Companies announced that its St. Paul at Lloyds operation will implement a major reorganization of its underwriting and ...
Willis Files Public Offering With SEC To Raise $200 Million Insurance broker Willis Group has filed a registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange ...
Bills Aimed At Easing Small-Business Liability Washington Two bills aimed at easing liability rules for small businesses are advancing in the U.S. Congress.One bill, H.R. ...
Lawyer Blasts London's Shift On Asbestos London Editor A leading U.S. attorney representing policyholders responsible for asbestos bodily injuries lashed out at the recent decision ...
Anti-Spamming Bills Debated Washington Insurers are praising the U.S. House Judiciary Committee for approving a narrowly-drawn "anti-spamming" bill they say will not disrupt legitimate communications ...
IIAA Bank Opens Its Doors For Business Independent insurance agents now have an opportunity to compete with banks for customers after the opening of a ...