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Delinea: Nearly 30% of businesses have filed multiple claims.
Fewer teens are driving nowadays than they used to.
After a storm damaged his lakeside deck and boat dock, the insured believed he was entitled to a higher claim payment than he received.
Insurance technology news from Slide Insurance, Cytora, Fayr and more.
In a time marked by high policyholder churn and a growing insurance-talent crisis, AI can help.
Applied Systems CEO: Next year's event will explore specific AI use cases to grow books of business.
Even their lawyer acknowledges the plaintiffs have a difficult road ahead in litigation.
Many seemingly idyllic retirement spots come with hidden drawbacks that can strain your finances and wellbeing.
Improving contents restoration processes provides insurers with a competitive advantage during policy renewal.
The latest insurance industry personnel news from BMS Group, atNorth, CRDN and more.