The chief executives of four major insurance brokerage firms roundly disputed criticism that contingent commissions are an inherent conflict of interest because total disclosure eliminates the issue.
Risk managers at organizations of all sizes are earning six-figure incomes on average these days, while most are substantially boosting their base salaries with bonuses ...
Risk managers at organizations of all sizes are earning six-figure incomes on average these days, while most are substantially boosting their base salaries with bonuses ...
How can two investigators arrive at divergent conclusions when examining the same fire? Learn about legitimate smoke particle testing methods that help uncover the true conditions at the time of the loss.
Willis launched a public awareness campaign at the nation's largest gathering of commercial insurance buyers, aiming to educate risk managers about conflicts of interest inherent in contingent commissions.
Directors and officers insurance experts found little to celebrate in a report declaring an end to securities lawsuits arising from the credit crisis, and Goldman Sach's recent troubles had them throwing more cold water on positive findings.
Although risk management is a system for controlling the exposures an organization has experienced and might conceivably face, it is by no means fool-proof, mainly because no one can possibly foresee every calamity that could befall an organization.
"What gets measured, gets managed!" This statement is the fundamental principle behind the concept of "Total Cost of Risk." But what exactly is TCoR, and why should you as a risk manager care about it?
The May 11 entry deadline is rapidly approaching for National Underwriter's fourth annual "Awards For Excellence In Workers' Compensation Risk Management," sponsored by the National Council on Compensation Insurance.