In his first annual shareholders meeting address, American International Group President and Chief Executive Officer Robert Benmosche highlighted the company's strong 2010 first quarter results.
Try to imagine this dream sequence--sort of a remake of "The Treasure of Sierra Madre." A grim lawman walks in on a group of insurers and demands to see their books.
Securities class actions, and to a somewhat lesser extent shareholder derivative litigation, have historically presented the largest class of claims exposures to directors and officers liability insurers.
Shareholder derivative lawsuits against directors and officers of British Petroleum in the wake of the company's offshore oil rig explosion could result in sizeable recoveries based on current litigation trends, an expert in the field says.
Winning an exemption for insurers from having to help pay to wind down failed non-insurance firms posing a systemic risk to the economy was the key priority for insurers
There is still considerable media buzz surrounding Chinese drywall. For many homeowners, the nightmare is far from over. Why are the culpable manufacturers not answering U.S. courts?
Reinsurers have not been especially disciplined, and they in fact prolonged a soft insurance market that should have ended a year ago, a leading reinsurance broker says.