Under the Medicare Secondary Payer Act, Medicare is always secondary to workers' compensation and other insurance such as no-fault and liability insurance.
Deborah Alvord, director of TPA services at CatMan Do, Inc., has been awarded the professional insurance designation Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter by the American Institute for CPCU.
American United Life Insurance Co. (AUL), a OneAmerica company, has appointed Donald W. Barden to the position of Southeast regional sales director in the Atlanta retirement services office.
All claim professionals will have a Jim Joyce moment during their careers. It is likely that most will have several. How we overcome those bad moments speaks volumes.
At a special ceremony held at the 14th Annual ACE America's Claim Event in Las Vegas, Nev., a beaming Daniel W. Jurgella accepted the 2010 Claim Professional of the Year award.
"I'd like my life back." Oh, my goodness. You could almost hear the collective gasp of every journalist, PR person, and blogger when BP CEO Tony Hayward uttered those words on May 30.
With the 4th of July holiday weekend approaching, an agent's association survey finds millions of Americans plan to hold parties near the water, and the risk exposures can mean opportunities for agents who alert their clients to it.
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