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Sensor tech can promise safer roads by providing real-time data, predictive insights, and automated safety features.
SAS survey: Sixty-eight percent of insurance decision-makers use GenAI at least once every week.
Stadiums in coastal areas are more vulnerable to climate-related risks.
Keeping pace with technological change can be simpler than you think.
Insurance technology news from Bold Penguin, One Inc, Cytora and more.
Some insurers take steps to limit their dog-bite liability exposures.
NCCI: Compared to mild-weather baseline, heat is associated with more claims in every sector.
Cargo thieves have become more sophisticated and ambitious.
The latest insurance industry personnel news from Irwin Siegel Agency, Optio Group, CastleBay Companies and more.
This week we feature philanthropic insurance news from National Association of Professional Insurance Agents and AUGIE Group.