Over the next decade, the insurance and third-party administrator (TPA) landscape will continue to evolve. And while it is impossible to predict the top challenges that will face risk buyers, intermediaries, TPAs and insurers so far into the future, we can attempt to gaze into the crystal ball.
Fine arts are always a difficult category to insure. It covers a broad range of items including paintings, statuary, textiles, art glass and other decorative items.
At 232, the number of insurance agency mergers and acquisitions in the first half of 2016 came in just one less than 2015's record first half of 233 deals, according to data from Chicago-based OPTIS Partners, an investment banking and financial consulting firm specializing in the insurance industry.
With winter on the way, the promise of snow and freezing temperatures looms for many businesses - along with risks of slips and falls, burst pipes, service interruptions, and more. Companies that have a good understanding of winter-related exposures and take proactive measures to mitigate them are better positioned to...
Insurance agents and brokers, along with professionals in other financial services segments, sometimes get stuck in a rut when it comes to prospecting. But let's face it: Everyone's playbook needs a regular update, even that of the team MVP.