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The 2018 incident caused several pelvic fractures and premature birth of the infant. The lawsuit alleges defective design, negligence and consumer fraud.
Americans are divided evenly on the necessity of requiring dog restraints in cars, according to Erie Insurance.
Insurance experts analyze who was involved from a coverage and liability perspective.
The latest insurance industry personnel news from Safety National, Novidea, USQRisk and more.
There is a 62% chance that a major hurricane will make landfall along the U.S. coastline.
Declining premium revenues, lower rates, underwriting volatility and litigation led to this hardening, Fitch Ratings says.
Andreas Berger is succeeding Christian Mumenthaler, who is stepping down on July 1, 2024.
Federal leaders in the U.S. want AI safeguards akin to those being developed by the insurance industry.
Much like flooding, earthquakes are not typically covered by a standard home insurance policy.
Whether a property is vacant or simply unoccupied makes a difference when coverage is involved.