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Thinking about acquiring or partnering with an MGA? Here's what you should ask first.
Customer satisfaction and brand loyalty can outweigh price sensitivity.
LGBTQIA+ employees are six times more likely to stay at a company where they feel psychologically safe.
Policyholder churn is fast becoming the bane of the U.S. insurance industry, but it doesn't have to be that way.
Ninety percent of U.S. counties suffered a weather disaster in the last 15 years.
The most popular city for prospective homebuyers who research properties online is midsize and midwestern.
Vehicle thefts in the U.S. have crept steadily upward since 2019.
Insurance technology news from Rockford Mutual Insurance Company, EBM Insurance & Risk and more.
Helping customers address risks and increase disaster readiness to lower the price of insurance is a win-win.
The storm has killed at least seven people and pushed more than 100 rivers into flood stage.