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The hurricane's financial damage could top $34 billion, according to Moody's.
Navigating the compliance maze: There are clear benefits to using a national compliance vendor.
Smoke alarms should be tested twice a year and replaced entirely at least every ten years.
Understanding claims differences and urgency supports faster claims processing and shortens the time to close.
Nighttime driving can be lethal. Heed these tips to avoid motor-vehicle accidents after dark.
Social media celebrities are hotter than ever, but their risk, liability and insurance issues are not well understood.
Affected areas include the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany and Italy.
This week's update includes insurance industry news from Hotchkiss Insurance, Grange Insurance, HSB and more.
The award is nearly 70 times larger than the $49,000 pre-trial settlement offer proffered by defense counsel.
Passion and innovation enable honorees in this annual recognition program to tell the essential story of insurance.