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A new ClimateWise report recommends investors take more thorough inventories of real estate, making logs of flood risks.
All high-end pieces of jewelry must be insured in case of accident, theft or damage.
Renewable energy becomes key as hurricanes and wildfires increase demand for coverage in this competitive market.
A recent decision may have opened the floodgates for lawsuits over improperly collected biometric data.
There are circumstances under N.Y. law in which an agent or broker can be liable for failing to procure coverage.
Robots can't take control of the roads until automakers, lawmakers and police work through a series of thorny problems.
Greater agility and quality control is moving the claims intake process away from a focus on commodified efficiency.
An entrepreneur has launched a firm specializing in insurance for vehicles with automated-driving modes.
The rapid growth of wearables and fitness devices comes with the risk of privacy infringement and leaking personal data.
Before switching to an eco-friendly car, drivers should be aware of potentially higher auto insurance rates.