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Independent agents and brokers have reported their best Q2 results since 2013.
Price transparency, efficient digital offerings, and solid multi-channel customer service are the great equalizers in today's auto insurance marketplace.
PwC expects that a focus on legacy business optimization will continue to drive divestitures during coming quarters.
50 Days of Giving Challenge is a global and corporate-wide effort in honor of the company's 50th anniversary.
While the industry is well aware of certain risks outlined in the report, the full picture of others is still being formed.
Partnering with a third party often requires sharing confidential and sensitive information.
Chubb and the National Center for the Middle Market published their findings from a middle market indicator report.
A recent report highlights the Latin American insurance market's performance in 2018, as well as the region's top insurance groups.
Insurers are embracing claims automation, but it must be balanced with human involvement.
The bill would establish a 'safe harbor' that would prevent federal criminal prosecution and civil liability for agents, brokers and insurers.