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News from Embrokr, Insurity, MS Amlin and more.
An Atlanta couple came home after vacation to find the critter taking up residence in their home.
Understanding the needs of different customers and why they are more inclined to shop can help carriers better target ad spends and messaging.
Flood risk continues to outpace the number of homes and businesses with flood insurance. Two trends could help close the coverage gap.
New data reveals the insurance industry added 34,700 new jobs in 2019, hitting a total of 2.7 million jobs.
Instead of holiday cheer, these four companies were greeted with significant GDPR fines this year.
In 2019, it seemed like everywhere you turned there was a new recall warning consumers about a dangerous product or tainted food.
Providing an employee financial wellness program can make a big difference in your millennial employees' lives.
While artificial intelligence and machine learning have significant upside, they also come with challenges.
According to a quarterly study produced by J.D. Power, many consumers still lack confidence in these technologies.