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As customer expectations change, the way you process claims should too. Here's how to fix what's broken.
Although PTSD is more common among first responders, it can affect employees in any industry or location.
The emerging risk themes outlined in Swiss Re's report are based on early signals collected throughout the year.
Insurers must understand how consumers shop and what attracts them to a brand.
Safety National recently completed a review of its largest workers' comp claims and uncovered certain trends employers should be aware of.
New technologies in construction will fundamentally affect the risk landscape for engineering insurance.
Have you nominated your workers' comp program for the NU Excellence in Workers' Compensation Risk Management Awards? Entries close June 25, 2018.
Most construction contracts require project leaders to obtain builder's risk insurance.
Excess capacity and new exposures are forcing underwriters to rethink how they write aviation risk.
Reverse mortgages can be a great financial lifeline, but they aren't a simple process. Here's what you need to know.