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What does an employer need to know when dealing with an injured worker who is also using medical marijuana?
But thoughtful risk selection remains paramount.
An accelerating rate of change in the P&C insurance market has become a constant, according to Guy Carpenter.
Cyberattacks on the maritime industry could expose client data and have far-reaching collateral consequence.
Haunted house attractions need special events accident & liability insurance.
Many carriers are replacing their outdated legacy systems with modern core systems, but there is a fear that these projects will waste time and devour their budgets.
Generally, claims frequency refers to a ratio of claim counts to a selected exposure base during a specified period.
This year's report provides an updated view of by-peril trends in the U.S. home insurance industry.
Join us Wed., Oct. 24 at 1 p.m. ET for an important conversation about this year's hurricane season.
The companies' smart home kits are designed to protect homeowners from the most common causes of loss.