Personal Auto Program

September 06, 2012

The Betterment Provision of the Personal Auto Policy Reviewed September 5, 2012 Concerns about Loss Payments and Use of Aftermarket Parts Summary:…

November 10, 2011

Does falling onto a vehicle count as being "on" the vehicle?

Property Placed in a Trust March 28, 2011 I have several clients whose property has been placed in a living trust. They own nothing. Their trust…

March 29, 2010

Questions if uninsured motorists coverage applies in an assault claim under personal auto program.

March 29, 2010

Court decision on whether PAP Coverage applies to emergency rescue costs by volunteer fire department.

January 01, 2010

PP 05 69 01 10 Personal Injury Protection Coverage - Washington, January 2010 edition

January 01, 2010

PP 05 58 01 10 Personal Injury Protection Coverage - Oregon, January 2010 edition

December 01, 2009

Discusses the Definitions section of the ISO Personal Auto Policy, which explains words that have contractually defined meanings in the policy. Each of the ten defined words and their definitions are quoted and commented on as needed.

January 01, 2009

PP 03 18 01 09 Excess Custom Equipment Coverage, January 2009 edition

August 01, 2008

Coverage when passenger is already injured and is injured again in an accident.