Lit Watch

November 29, 2022

The employer asserted the "positive work order" defense, which required proof that there was a specific policy in place, the claimant knew about the employer's policy, and that the claimant's conduct at the time of injury removed the claimant from the course of employment.

November 18, 2022

Both cases in this appeal were based on policy language that excluded UM coverage for pedestrians struck by a hit-and-run vehicle because a pedestrian, by definition, cannot occupy a covered vehicle.

November 12, 2022

A policy open to more than one reasonable interpretation is, by definition, ambiguous, and ambiguity is resolved in favor of coverage under well-settled insurance principles.

November 07, 2022

The Supreme Court of Arizona recently answered two questions certified by the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona that both concerned how an insurer may or may not use depreciation in calculating the actual cash value (ACV) of damaged property.

November 03, 2022

Amy's had a comprehensive property policy that included an extension to cover the costs of loss avoidance and mitigation when the costs were incurred to combat a communicable disease.

October 31, 2022

Huntington Ingalls, according to the Supreme Court of Vermont, suffered "direct physical damage" because employees infected with COVID had been physically present at the facilities and unintentionally spread the virus to employees who were not ill.

October 24, 2022

Though the thigh bone is connected to the hip bone, they are not the same thing.

October 24, 2022

It is not uncommon to see workers compensation cases end up in court over whether the claimant's injuries both arose out of and in the course of their employment.

October 19, 2022

A workers compensation award does not have to be permanent or temporary in nature in order for the claimant to file a petition to reopen their claim based on a change in disability.

October 19, 2022

According to the court, a qualifying compensable injury had to arise from more than an employee's mere presence at the workplace.