ISO Programs

Introduction and analysis of ISO Commercial Auto endorsement addressing hacking expense coverage.

March 10, 2022

CA 04 65 09 22 Auto Hacking Expense Coverage

February 21, 2022

Customer looks for coverage for resulting damages when the insured's fertilizer application was inadequate.

February 14, 2022

When hurricane wind damages a window's effectiveness, leading to property damage from rain, is there coverage?

February 11, 2022
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HO 04 95 03 22 Limited Water Back-up and Sump Discharge or Overflow Coverage.

January 17, 2022

On a specific limit policy, is the computer equipment covered at all locations, or only at the scheduled location?

With coverage forms, exclusion endorsements, and exclusions with specified exceptions, it can sometimes be difficult to determine where and if coverage applies in a given claims situation. Thus is the case here.

December 09, 2021

CA 05 25 11 40 Partners or Members as Insureds.

December 05, 2021

California is revising their required Fraud Statement for all lines of business effective January 1, 2022.

November 22, 2021

Questions application of coverage for electric cables under Equipment Breakdown form EB 00 20.