June 12, 2015

Insurance Fraud   June 15, 2015   Insurance fraud has a much longer history that one might suspect. It can be traced back to 300 B.C., when…

June 12, 2015

Insurance Fraud Division Contact List June 15, 2015 Because insurance fraud is such an industry concern, many state insurance departments have separate…

June 09, 2015

Definitions of Insurance Fraud  June 15, 2015  While insurance fraud has been broadly defined in the introduction section, this section presents…

June 09, 2015

Alaska Definition of Insurance Fraud AS § 21.36.360  June 15, 2015  (b) A fraudulent insurance act is committed by a person who, with intent…

June 09, 2015

Case Study – Arson of ResidenceMaurice Griffin, Mitzi Griffin v. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, No. 2:10 cv 387 (N.D.Ind. 08/21/2012) June…

June 09, 2015

Arizona Definition of Insurance FraudA.R.S. § 20-466.01 June 15, 2015 A person who violates § 20-463 or 20-463.01 with the intent to…

June 09, 2015

This checklist highlights indicators that a claimant may be falsifying claim information.

December 22, 2014
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Capitalization RequirementsState-By-State Survey October 21, 2014 Summary: When an insurer wishes to enter a state as an admitted…

June 18, 2013

Effect of Insureds' Declarations or Statements Misrepresentations in Application and Post Loss Can Void Coverage  Summary: An insured's misrepresentation…