June 12, 2015

Ethics and the Insurance Fraud Investigation  June 15, 2015  To understand the connection between ethics and quality service, it is important to…

June 12, 2015

The Arson Investigation   June 15, 2015   While there are general rules for any type of claims investigation, be it auto claims or homeowners…

June 12, 2015

Fraud Investigations General Information   June 15, 2015 Summary   This article discusses fraud investigations and different methods used…

June 12, 2015

Examination Under Oath A tool for Fighting Insurance Fraud   June 15, 2015 Summary   This article discusses the examination under oath requirement…

June 12, 2015
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June 15, 2015 Investigators can benefit from checklists, as well as adjusters and underwriters. When investigating a claim, it is important…

June 12, 2015
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This checklist provides various behaviors/actions/situations that could indicate arson was the cause of loss.

June 12, 2015

States Treatment of Insurance Fraud   June 15, 2015   Insurance fraud costs the industry billions each year. States are working with carriers…

June 12, 2015

Types of Fraud June 15, 2015   Summary: There are many different types of fraud, and hard and soft fraud are larger categories that contain…

June 12, 2015

Fraud Requirements for Insurance Companies   June 15, 2015   In order to control insurance fraud, states require certain actions by companies.…

June 12, 2015
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June 15, 2015 Insurance fraud costs the industry billions each year. States are working with carriers to try to combat fraud, and have developed…