Core Article Library

July 07, 2008

D&O Insurance Market Insight May 2005 This report was created by Advisen, Ltd. and is reprinted in FC&S D&O with permission. For more information…

July 07, 2008

D&O Claims Management Issues Involving Securities Fraud Class Actions February 2006 By Joseph P. Monteleone and Nicholas J. Conca Joseph P. Monteleone,…

July 07, 2008

Employee Dishonesty: Direct Loss, Financial Gain, And Manifest Intent April, 2006 By Diane W. Richardson, CPCU An Analysis Summary: The insuring…

Pair or Set Clause Our insured threw away an old bathrobe, not realizing her diamond earrings were in the pocket. By the time she discovered they were…

Professional Liability for Physicians Q We have a question about how a physician's professional liability policy would respond in this situation.…

Claims-Made Policy and Late Notice Our insured has a claims-made directors and officers policy with employment practices coverage. Our insured terminated…

Fraud Coverage not Applicable to Transformation of Information Q A client's employee was tricked into disclosing their bank account information.  The…

June 25, 2008

Public Officials Bonds September, 2001 Surety Association of America Summary: The public official bond, a standard form under the jurisdiction…

June 25, 2008

Fiduciary Bonds April, 2000 A Type of Judicial Bond Summary: Fiduciary bonds guarantee that persons entrusted with the care of property of others…

June 25, 2008

Judicial Bonds August, 2000 Court Bonds   Summary: Judicial bonds are contracts of suretyship prescribed by statute and filed in probate or courts…