Core Article Library

Boiler and Machinery Form—Accident Defined Q Our insured is a food processor who uses an extruder to process meat for sale. The metal tub that…

Discusses whether a loss of tax credits is a qualifying business income loss.

Garagekeepers Faulty Work Exclusion Q Our insured is a car wash operation. While washing a car, the insured's employees used a solution to clean the…

Our insured is a retail fish market located on Main St. On 12/31/01 a water main broke which flooded a number of businesses located on the opposite…

Is the expense incurred to move tenants to temporary quarters a covered extra expense?

What coverage is available when a fire destroys a manufacturer's leased premises?

Transit Policy Covers Goods Sold but Not Delivered? Q Until recently, our insured had been shipping goods to their customer for more than twenty years…

July 07, 2008

Sample Delaware Indemnification Provision October 2004 ARTICLE VIIIndemnification            SECTION…

July 07, 2008

In Bankruptcy, Are D&O Policy Proceeds Considered Estate Property? October 2004 Heightened by the Enron and WorldCom bankruptcies, there has been…

July 07, 2008

Excess Insurance Drop Down Question February 2006 How Insolvency of Primary Carrier Affects Excess Coverage Summary: By definition and longstanding…