Core Article Library

Duty to Defend in Murder Case Coveredby Commercial General Liability Form? Q We have a rather unusual situation and are unsure how to proceed. Our…

Other Insurance Clauseand Excess Coverage Q Our insured operates a computer repair shop, and regularly has the property of his customers in his care,…

Business Risk Doctrine and the CGL Form Q Our insured is a contractor and we have tried to explain to him the coverages and exclusions that appear…

Scaffolding Cost Covered by Commercial Property Form? Q We provide property insurance for a municipality, written with CP 10 30 04 02 special causes…

Auto Accident Claims Covered by CGL Form? Our insured traded a vehicle that was part of their business to a dealer. Two years later, the employee of…

Auto Exclusion, the CGL Form, and Auto Repair This claim situation occurred when our insured, an auto repair shop, installed an incorrect oil filter…

Deductible - How to Apply Q We are a public adjusting firm. Our client is a hotel located on the Atlantic coast of North Carolina . The hotel is insured…

Water Damage and Boarded-Up Windows Q Our insured's building is covered by an ISO commercial property policy, CP 00 10 04 02, with the special causes…

Governmental Authority Exclusion—Property Damaged by Police Chasing Fugitive Q The insured is a health clinic covered under the commercial property…

Improvements and Betterments—Coverage Dependent on Term of Lease? Q Our insured had lightning damage occur to a central air conditioning unit…