Contract Analysis

June 13, 2016

Describes the coverages for this type of farm real property in the ISO form FP 00 14.

June 08, 2016

Discusses and analyzes the coverages for farm property such as dwelling and appurtenant structures in ISO form FP 00 12.

June 06, 2016

Hotels, Motels, and Inns June 6, 2016 ISO Market Segments Program Summary: The Insurance Services Office (ISO) has developed a…

Asbestos Abatement Exposures  May 30, 2016  An Insured Could Face Legal Liability  Currently 132,000 primary and secondary schools contain some…

May 09, 2016

This article analyzes the limited commercial coverage endorsements for drones.

May 09, 2016

This article analyzes the Unmannned Aircraft Property and Cargo form IH 00 61.

April 06, 2016

Agricultural Capital Assets (Output Policy) ISO's Agricultural Capital Assets (Output Policy) April 2016 Summary: The Insurance Services Office (ISO)…

April 01, 2016

Coverage for livestock may be written under livestock coverage form FP 00 40. It provides for either blanket or scheduled coverage on insured animals.

Underground Storage Tank Policy March 28, 2016 Liability Coverage for Designated Tanks Summary: The Insurance Services Office…

March 21, 2016

Hardware and Home Improvement Stores March 21, 2016ISO Market Segments Program Summary: The Insurance Services Office (ISO) has developed…