Washington lobbyists like to tout, especially about getting favored bills passed. Unfortunately, the current Congress has an abysmal record of actually enacting legislation. As far as insurance-related legislation, this Congress will probably end up passing only a few bills this year.
Almost two years overdue, the Federal Insurance Office (FIO) finally issued on Dec. 12 the report that it was required to produce under the Dodd-Frank Act on how to modernize and improve the system of insurance regulation in the United States.
A report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has found that the state insurance regulatory system helped mitigate the negative effects of the 2007-09 financial crisis on the insurance industry. GAO also found that state insurance regulators continued efforts to strengthen the insurance regulatory system.
A GAO study on the benefits of state insurance regulation is important because it serves as an objective counterbalance to an upcoming report that will likely not be objective: The FIO's regulatory modernization report.