NAPA, CALIF.--Proponents and foes of a larger federal role in insuring mega-catastrophe risk clashed Saturday at a forum here during the annual meeting of the National Conference of Insurance Legislat
Election results for Congress made the biggest headlines last week, but Washington, D.C. wasn't the only focus of insurance industry political operatives on Election Day, as state races across the
Proposition 103 author Harvey Rosenfield surprised political observers with his endorsement of the GOP candidate, primarily on the issue of campaign funding. Mr. Bustamante accepted and later returned
The seventh annual Aon Hospital Professional Liability and Physician Liability Benchmark Analysis, which measured 47,735 U.S. claims representing more than $4.4 billion of incurred losses from 1997
Three years ago, the Justice Department issued the Thompson Memo, stating that one of the nine factors prosecutors will look at in deciding whether or not to indict is whether the target firm has
But the question remains whether the action should be interpreted as stemming from a unique and headline-friendly set of circumstances, or whether it is a product of a new atmosphere of boardroom
Max Re Capital's founder and chief executive officer, Robert Cooney, resigned last week in the wake of the reopening of an investigation into possible accounting wrongdoing stemming from at least two
One disturbing trend Mr. Kelly noted was that some large account insurers were offering multiyear rate guarantees for terrorism coverage, despite the uncertainty over passage of a permanent Terrorism