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What perks can insurers use to entice Gen Z customers and keep them around long-term?
This week's update includes insurance industry news from Porsche Auto Insurance, Safeco Insurance, Coursera and more.
Don’t miss the upcoming webcast, “Building Trust through Technology: Cybersecurity's Critical Role in the Customer Experience.”
Insurance technology news from Nationwide, Allstate, ZestyAI, BrokerTech Ventures and more.
The latest insurance industry personnel news from Ascot, Price Forbes, Allianz Commercial and more.
Progressive Home will begin sending non-renewal notices to customers November 19.
The latest insurance-industry personnel news from Price Forbes, Aon, Sedgwick and more.
Despite large losses, some insurers doubled-down on their commitment to Florida's insurance market.
This week's update includes insurance industry news from McLarens, Vertafore, CRDN and more.
Insurance technology news from Cognizant, Brickeye and SimplePin.