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More than 80% of the company's employees took part in the giving campaign, The Hanover reports.
Insurance industry news from Assurex Global, Spott, OneDigital and more.
Insurance technology news from Betterview and more.
The latest insurance industry personnel news from RIMS, AXA XL Insurance, Sedgwick and more.
Although drivers felt pressure from higher premiums, a majority of consumers didn't shop around for lower rates in 2022.
Company employees also put in more than 1,880 volunteer hours as part of the charity initiative.
Insurance industry news from vipHomeLink, RIMS, Ryan Specialty and more.
Cyber insurance bonds could help meet the market's demand for capacity, while offering investors a new asset class.
The 'once-in-a-generation' storm resulted in marked loss of life along with damaged properties and vehicles.
The number of stolen vehicles in the U.S. is expected to surpass 1 million in 2022, according to the NICB.