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Only 44% of homeowners reviewed their property insurance policy during the past 12 months, Policygenius reports.
The number of claims using four or more advanced AI applications more than doubled this past year, according to CCC Intelligent Solutions.
Insurance technology news from Quincy Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Western National Insurance and more.
The Golden State is facing 'an untenable situation, potentially affecting millions of California homeowners.'
The system will also handle complaints against public adjusters, claims of theft by conversion and identity theft.
Insurance industry news from VisionTrack, Selective Insurance, Coalition and more.
Insurance technology news from Nexar, Crum & Forster, Verisk and more.
The latest insurance industry personnel news from Gallagher Re, Antares Global, CFC and more.
Insurance industry news from PCF Insurance Services, SEON, Companjon and more.
Insurance technology news from Zurich Insurance Group, ICEYE, Duck Creek Technologies and more.