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The latest insurance industry personnel news from Swiss Re, Aegon, Beazley and more.
Philanthropic insurance news from the Kansas Department of Insurance and State Farm.
Farmers Insurance will resume accepting new commercial multi-peril applications for auto service and repair, habitational, manufacturing, real estate and wholesale distribution policies in California on Aug. 1, 2024.
Insurance industry news from Simplifaim, Holmes Murphy, IMA Financial Group and more is featured in this weekly update.
Insurance technology news from Marsh McLennan, Christian Brothers Services, Main Street America Insurance and more.
The latest insurance industry personnel news from Brokerslink, Leif Assurance, BMS Re and more.
Insurance industry news from Ryan Specialty, FM Global, Signal Restoration and more featured in weekly update.
Insurance technology news from Bold Penguin, Neptune Flood, Cytora and more.
The latest insurance industry personnel news from Liberty Company, McGill and Partners, Leif Assurance and more.
Insurance industry news from Orion180, PeppercornAI, HCI Group and more featured in weekly update.