Capco and Slam Dunk Networks entered a strategic partnership in hopes of providing secure, guaranteed connectivity for financial services organizations. Capco, which specializes in financial ...
Welcome to the resource for IT professionals and managers in the insurance and financial industries. In this new magazine from The National Underwriter Co., you'll ...
Litany Of Failure Bill Sinn, director of financial services marketing for Dayton, Ohio-based Teradata, provided a laundry list of reasons for data warehousing project failures ...
NAMIC Raises $476,000 ForWTC Relief Funds The National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies will donate $476,000 in fees from its cancelled international convention towards ...
ISO Disputes Author's Claims About Ease Of Data Reporting To The Editor: In his article on data reporting to the Insurance Services Office, Inc. (see ...
Agents, Banks Search For Successful Formula Given the inherent differences between the banking and insurance industry cultures, it is no wonder that many marriages ...