PRODUCT: AGILITY: INSURANCE BY G2X Selected by: The Phoenix Companies Use: Maximize opportunities within current relationships and more effectively grow new business throughout the channelPRODUCT: ...
Policyholders Approve Liberty Mutual Conversion Policyholders of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company and Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company have overwhelmingly approved changing the Liberty Mutual ...
Investors Give P-C IndustryTheir Vote Of Confidence You would think that investors would be shying away from the insurance industry, what with poor earnings reports, ...
Virtual Meetings Offer Real BenefitsIt was not very long ago that video conferencing technology became available and everyone anticipated a steep decline in business travel. ...
NAPSLO AnnouncesMid-Year 2002 Meeting Changes; Annual Unchanged The National Association of Professional Surplus lines Offices, Ltd., recently announced that it plans to expand its ...
Federal Re Pool CreationShould Require DisclosureTo The Editor: The property insurance industry is understandably looking for some help to deal with the unpredictability of potentially ...
Big I Looks To Brand Agents With PublicHonolulu How can independent agents create a franchise brand identity for what is essentially a non-franchise business? That's ...