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As Helene barrels toward Florida, here's a look at the state's hurricane history and resources to help weather this one.
Skiados will begin his position with PIA on October 15.
This week's update includes insurance industry news from PCF Insurance Services, Holmes Murphy, CAC Group and more.
The new rates approved by the NHID will apply to policies effective on or before January 1, 2025.
Insurance technology news from Cytora, Sikich, ProWriters and more.
Dog owners wield significant power when it comes to preventing bites.
This week we feature philanthropic insurance news from State Farm.
The latest insurance industry personnel news from Aegon, CRC Group, CAC Specialty and more.
This week's update includes insurance industry news from HSB, Crawford Technologies, ReSource Pro and more.
Outgoing chairman Mike McBride will remain on the executive committee for an additional year as immediate past chair.