A changing workforce, rapidly evolving technology and medical-cost-containment issues are the biggest challenges, and opportunities, that will face the workers comp market as it enters its second century.
Anyone who doubts whether U.S. insurers can do anything to influence how consumers feel about the industry hasn’t been paying attention north of the border.
While it’s important to celebrate the centennial of the workers’ compensation system, I’d be remiss in not considering the considerable challenges facing insurers and risk managers in the years and decades to come.
Is “strategic risk management” just a new semantic spin in the profession’s ongoing evolution? Or does SRM represent a genuine leap beyond standard enterprise risk management?
Is “strategic risk management” just a new semantic spin in the profession’s ongoing evolution? Or does SRM represent a genuine leap beyond standard enterprise risk management?
It may be tempting for an insurer to simply hold the fort in these difficult times and wait for a boost in the economy or a decisive turn in the market to bolster their top and bottom lines. But proactive carriers can facilitate growth under any conditions by broadening their...
Proactive carriers can facilitate growth by broadening their strategic outlook and capitalizing on fundamental changes emerging in distribution, technology, and regulation.