While a company rarely complains about too much business, it may find itself under siege from the projects that business generates. For Fortis Benefits Insurance ...
Systems Expert Stresses IT Must Serve Its BusinessBy Robert Regis HeylNU Online News Service, Feb. 28, 2:49 p.m. EST?"When you look at new technology, what ...
Businesses like to study opportunities carefully to ensure they are making the right decision for everyone involved. Its called due diligence, and many companies wont ...
When AXA Financial decided to enter the property/casualty reinsurance field, it did so with a clean slate. Not burdened with inefficient legacy systems, Bill Taylor, ...
Insurance carriers are not unlike airline carriersboth have technical teams that evaluate their technology to judge if its operating efficiently and will get their charges ...
The process of taking a paper-intensive business such as ACUITY, a regional property/casualty carrier in Sheboygan, Wis., into a paperless environment is not unlike someone ...
With apologies to Charles Dickens, David Leifer, senior counsel for the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI at www.acli.com), suggests e-commerce in the life insurance ...