Property-casualty insurers' investment portfolios are generally conservative, and most companies have little subprime mortgage exposure, according to a Bank of America investment analysis on the indu
The present commissioner, Democrat James Long, who has held his post since 1985, is retiring. He has endorsed Mr. Goodwin, who is currently an assistant insurance commissioner. Mr. Goodwin has also se
Future property-casualty merger and acquisition activity will be defined largely by the overall premium rate environment, with the softening market prompting more carriers to seek growth via
Future property-casualty merger and acquisition activity will be defined largely by the overall premium rate environment, with the softening market prompting more carriers to seek growth via takeovers
Christian Rataj, western state affairs manager for the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC), said the bill was initially introduced as a health insurance matter. "And then someon
Peter Dailey, director of atmospheric science at AIR Worldwide Corporation, said that every year since 1995, the Atlantic Ocean has been warmer than average, and that trend will likely continue for at
NEW YORK--Insurers have become too reliant on catastrophe models when deciding which risks should be cancelled and which ones are acceptable, a pioneer in the modeling field told an industry gathering
The New York State Insurance Department's Web site, which won the 2002 "Best of the Web" award from the Rockefeller Institute of Government, has been redesigned with an eye toward ease of use and grea
Michael Fallon, vice president, director of corporate finance for Liberty Mutual, said that after the late 90s, M&A activity fell off as the market hardened. Rates went up, he said, and companies grew
The U.K. insurance industry made a commitment to contract certainty as part of the country's compliance with the Financial Services Authority's principles-based regulatory scheme, David Casement,